We’re not all going to agree with each other on every issue. And that’s a good thing.
The Disagree Better platform was started in 2023 by Utah Governor Spencer Cox as his Chair’s Initiative through the National Governors Association. Disagreement is one way of creating a better product, a better family, a better relationship and a better country. Disagreements can lead to new solutions to age old problems. But today, disagreements can be very polarizing. Disagreeing with someone doesn’t mean you have to hate them, avoid them or delete them from your social media feed.
With good intentions and some helpful tools, we can learn to disagree in a way that allows us to find solutions and solve problems instead of endlessly bickering.
Disagree Better AZ is all about elevating solutions that groups around the country are already implementing and sharing these tools with everyone. Mayor Giles and Mayor Woods are talking with other elected officials, residents, business leaders and political activists around the state to share techniques for coming together through civil conversations.
It’s much easier to sow division than to persuade or find solutions. But we also know that no one ever changed someone’s mind by attacking them.
Through healthy conflict, we’re confident that we can find common ground for the betterment of our families, our communities and our state. Together, we can disagree better – and benefit from it.

According to PEW Research, 65% of Americans report feeling exhausted by politics. One in three people report cutting off communication with someone over political differences – 43% of which stopped speaking with a member of their family. This division doesn't just strain personal relationships. It also erodes trust within communities and hinders our ability to work together towards common goals.
It's crucial that we find ways to engage in civil discourse, respect differing viewpoints and prioritize our shared values to bridge these divides to build strong cities.
Over the next few months, Americans will be asked to consider, deliberate and vote on our most pressing issues. If we lose the ability to have those conversations respectfully – or at least agree to disagree – we stand to lose more than votes.